Thursday, February 7, 2013
Making a Difference in Community Health
Making a Difference in Community Health
The health of community is important to all of us that live in the community, just as I believe it is important that the health of each of us is important to those of us that love us and want us to be healthy vibrant humans.
I volunteer with several non-profit organizations in my community, why you might ask? I care about the health of each and every client I see and I also care about the health of my community as a whole. I believe that a community is healthier and stronger when it has choices both standard - medical and alternative medical options available to its community members. That is why I volunteer my time and serve as President of the Spokane Holistic Chamber of Commerce (a network of alternative medical providers and holistic minded business people), Vice President of Time for Veterans (a non-profit organization providing free health services to veterans), and chairman of the Health Committee of Unity In The Community (the largest multi-cultural event in Spokane, which every year shows the diversity of our community not only culturally, but in health care as well. We have the standard medical providers and the alternative medical community side by side providing their information and services to the community for over 14 years.)
Our community in Spokane WA is special in that it has several world class hospitals and teaching facilities, and a large variety of holistic healers and teachers as well.
Charles Lightwalker, is director of the Family of Light Healing Centre's, Intuitive Healing Arts Program an Intuitive and a healer. For more information on Unity in the community visit the web site:, for more information on Charles visit, for more information on holistic chambers of commerce throughout the USA visit; Westside Holistic Chamber of Commerce
Fall is upon us, and winter is to come, and if you have Emphysema you know it will be come for difficult to breathe.
Emphysema is a kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The elasticity and dilatation of the lung tissue is lost. The lungs can’t exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide well and the state air remains trapped in the lungs. The most common systoms of emphysema are difficulty breathing, frequent coughing, tiredness, and difficulty relaxing and feeling like you are in a fog.
The majority of people diagnosed with emphysema have a history of long time smoking of cigarettes. Smoking may cause a chronic low-level inflammation of the lungs.
Since it’s a progressive disease, the systoms may not show up immediately. In most cases the systoms begin occurring at middle age or older. It usually appears when the smoker engages in exercise, or heavy work. It may start as a productive cough.
Smoking cigarettes, brings about inflammation in the lungs, and makes the lungs lose their ability to function. In my holistic healthcare practice I use the lung fork and the oxygen fork along the lung meridian, which usually brings relief. Some clients need more treatments than others since each client is different, acupoints are selected differently.
In clients with digestive problems as well, acupoints are selected from the stomach, spleen and the intestine meridians. In the case of water retention or swollen legs or ankles, I use the tuning forks on the acupoints governing the kidneys and bladder meridians.
Breathing exercises are also good for the healing process, as well as singing, which can improve lung function.
I also suggest that the client take a vibrational yoga class, tai chi, or qi gong class regularly.
It is very beneficial to receive tuning fork treatments, the frequency of these treatments on the individuals condition.
Choose health, choose to replace smoking with good habits that give you life.
Charles Lightwalker is Director of the Family of Light Healing Centre, a certified Tuning Fork Therapist, Metis Shaman and healer. For more information call 509-389-7290 or visit the web site: www.thefamilyoflight
Nitric Oxide & The Om- 2 Tuning Fork 128 Hz
Nitric Oxide & The Om- 2 Tuning Fork 128 Hz
We are thankful for the research of Dr. John Beaulieu, co-creator of BioSonics. During a multi-million dollar scientific study, when he used a 128Hz Otto Tuner* he was able to cause various human cells to “puff” nitric oxide (NO) - a vital cellular response to psychological and physiological stress. He got maximum results from using the fork just 2-3 times - re-igniting the “puffing” system! John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D., is one of the foremost philosophers and major innovators in the area of sound healing therapies.
* The 128Hz OM-2 is available as part of a set of 4 OM Tuners (32Hz. 64, Hz, 128 Hz and 136.1 Hz) from The
What is Nitric Oxide?
The research at BioSonics focuses on a molecule called Nitric Oxide and its effects on physiological processes and disease from an energy medicine perspective. Nitric Oxide was first identified in 1987 and since then there have been over 20,000 papers published.
The remarkable thing about Nitric Oxide research is its ability to cross boundaries and unify different fields of research and disciplines. The study of Nitric Oxides shows us biochemical processes that give us deeper insights into the healing effects of music and sound both within the Medical Model and the Energy Medicine paradigm.
Perhaps even more exciting is the implications of Nitric Oxide research for holistic health care. Energy Medicine practitioners have long asserted the necessity of working with the larger energy field, or the "whole person", in order to effect specific change. Nitric Oxide is a molecule which is rhythmic in its action. Anything we do in the larger energy field with the whole person will involve Nitric Oxide rhythms and have a profound effect on our health and well-being.
As a result of this larger field perspective, our BioSonic research helps us to make the connection between sound, tuning forks and herbs. Our research is conducted in coordination with Cell Dynamics, New York-based laboratory functioning in partnership with the State University of New York. The focus of our research is on the effects of tuning forks on Nitric Oxide signaling. The focus of Cell Dynamics research is on the ability of natural herbs and foods to signal Nitric Oxide.
The result of our combined research was the development of a Nitric Oxide based herbal product we call EnRhythm. From our perspective EnRhythm is like an herbal tuning fork which signals our body to pulse Nitric Oxide in just the right rhythms. Therefore we have included plant research along with sound research with Nitric Oxide as the common denominator.
Nitric Oxide research also suggests a new scientific understanding of other therapies and practices. Although there is no specific research to date we will show research that suggests the role of Nitric Oxide signaling in Polarity Therapy, Cranial Therapy, Visualization, and Chiropractic as well as its role in the practices of Meditation, Yoga, and Tai Chi.
This research center contains science articles from such publications as Medical Science Monitor and The Journal of NeuroScience. These studies are not light reading and are presented for scientists and those with scientific interest.
Scientific Papers
Sound Therapy Induced Relaxation: Down Regulating Stress Processes and Pathologies
Tonal Nitric Oxide and Health – a Free Radical and a Scavenger of Free Radicals
Cyclic Nitric Oxide Release by Human Granulocytes and Invertebrates Ganglia and Immunocytes: Nano-technological Enhancement of Ampermetric Nitric Oxide Determination
From Dr. Beaulieu’s website:
Sound Healing Studies Tuning Fork Research
Sound Healing Studies
Tuning Fork Research
A lot more research is being done on sound healing with tuning forks, in the last 20 years, here is a little of the research I have come across, since I have been doing sound healing work and since I have joined with Dr. Larry Parnell Chairman of the International Tuning Fork Research Alliance (
The work that many of leaders in sound with tuning forks has revealed a wonderful field of experience in various applications of tuning forks with the Endocrine system, Lymphatic system, brainwave patters, opening psychic abilities, balancing chakras and organs, relieving pain, and overall harmonizing the body into a state of wellness.
Here are some of the leaders in the field of Sound Healing with Tuning Forks research:
John Beaulieu discovered that tuning forks could be used to tune the human nervous system while working at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City under a research grant from New York University. After over five hundred hours of listening to my nervous system, I suddenly realized that the nervous system could be “tuned like a musical instrument”
Fabien joined with the senior researcher at the National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris, Helen Grimal, to study the effects of sound on normal and malignant cells.
Barbara Hero studies sound frequencies on the Organs and how each Organ has a specific frequency.
Dr. Robert Girard used the frequency of 528 Hz to repair DNA.
Dr. David Hulse, rediscovers the ancient Solfeggio Frequencies, through in his research, by reading the book "The Healing Codes of Biological Apocalypse" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.
Anne Christine Tooley does research on tuning fork frequencies and discovers many thing and creates a company, Luminanti Inc., which sells tuning forks. Anne research included;
Sharps Set - This was the first set I created. I love the Harmonic Spectrum Set because it is based on Pythagorean mathematics, and I wanted a complete octave, so I created the Sharps. Now practitioners can create all kinds of harmonics in their healing work.
The Endocrine/Spine Set - There are 2 systems in the body that I feel are extremely important and pivotal in assisting in and maintaining good health. One is the craniosacral system with the CSF as its core influence. The second is the Endocrine system. The Endocrine system regulates the entire body. So I did some research and found frequencies for the healthy functioning for each of the Endocrine glands as well as a particular region of the spine. Working with the spinal column has the potential to positively affect the spinal nerves and therefore, the CSF and the areas of the body that each spinal nerve controls. So this set of forks has a dual-function. There is great potential with these frequencies. I'm excited to see the results others have with them.
Dr. Joe Crain creates Acutuning, a method for using tuning forks in the healing process. This process uses tuning forks on the acupressure points on the body to create healing.
Dr. Tomatis used high frequency sounds (3,000Hz and above) to activate the brain and affect cognitive funcations such as thinking, spatial perception and memory. Listening to these sounds increased attentiveness and concentration.
In 2008-International Tuning Fork Research Alliance created by Dr. Larry Pannell, Dr. Charles Lightwalker, Dr. Helene Pelissier, Dr. Rick Boatright, John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, Jan Longshore M.S., massage therapist & instructor Sandy Singh and Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale from Nigeria and Huang Yuanzhong from China, and Jan Morgans from the United Kingdom. To peruse the continued research into the use of tuning forks in the healing process.
Diane Hesse, Hesse describes various use of tuning fork in the application of healing in her book, The Use of Tuning Forks in Vibratory Energy Application.
Serena LaSol/Lightwalker writes the book, Sound Healing with Tuning Forks Handbook
Swiss scientist Hans Jenny discovered that low frequency sounds produced simple geometric shapes and as the sound frequency increased, the shapes became more complex. He also found that the sound 'OH' produced a perfect circle and that the sound, 'OM' produced a pattern similar to that of the ancient Indian mandala for 'OM'.
Jonathan Goldman, world-renowned sound healer, creates the Sound Healers Association.
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor M.D., Dr. Gaynor incorporates alternative healing methods in his treatment of cancer patients especially the power of sound. For more information:
Holly Covington, author of therapeutic Music for patients with Psychiatric Disorders, touches upon the use of sound throughout history and then cities the use of sound in an organized way (music) and its effects on the human energy field.
Dr. Jeffery Thompson, Dr. Thompson is founder of the Center for Neuroacoustic research, and is a leader in sound healing, and author of The Secret Life of Your Cells.
Dr. Lee Lorenzen, Dr. Lorenzen, is Vice Chairman of the Japanese American Research Society, and in 1999, announced the invention of “Clustered Water”. When “528” Hz was impregnated into the clustered water researchers found that the 6-sided crystal-shaped hexagonal clustered water molecule formed the supportive matrix of health DNA.
So the research continues, and the vibrations of this research will affect the healing community, and allow change to come to the alternative medical community.
Treating Ear Infections with Tuning Forks
Treating Ear Infections with Tuning Forks
There are several different types of ear infections. One is an outer ear infection; this infection is located in the ear canal, extending from the eardrum to the outside of the ear. This is usually preceded by an upper respiratory infection. Its main symptoms can include slight fever, swollen ear, and discharge from ear and dull pain to throbbing pain. Another kind of ear infection is middle ear infection, which is behind the eardrum. The main symptoms include earache, dull, sharp or throbbing pain; a feeling of fullness and pressure along with fever, and hearing loss.
Ear infections come from different bacteria and viruses.
Ear infections occur during bad weather, stress, improper diet, unhealthy blood circulation, weak immune system or change in the seasons. When treating an ear infection it is best to treat the whole body system, not just the ear. Start by balancing the charkas, then harmonize the Organs, especially work on the liver and gallbladder, the lungs and the kidney meridians. The liver and gallbladder will tend to be out of balance, and the lungs and kidneys will have very low energy. ( A Medical Intuitive evaluation is recommended)
Using specific acupressure and meridian points (see tuning fork protocols*) these will decrease the inflammation and heal the sick ear.
Preventing an ear infection is as important as treating it.
It is important to release emotional stress (see I.E.R.**) and physical stress as soon as possible. Monthly tune-ups with tuning forks can be quite helpful at maintaining balance and well being ness.
Remember to eat healthy organic food, get plenty of sleep, do moderate exercise every day, drink plenty of water, and practice meditation or relaxation exercises. Balancing the body-mind-spirit is the key to good health.
Remove ear wax to keep the ear canal clean and dry. Put cotton in the ear when bathing. Dry the ears immediately when they get wet.
Use a Netipot regularly, gargle daily with salt water, this will help prevent bacteria or virus in your body. Stay positive, smile and enjoy the day.
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• **
(includes some forks~, manual and certificate)
£550 includes some forks (my discretion), manual and certificate
£150 non refundable deposit and the balance due on the day of the course
"In the beginning was the Word"
This course is for anyone who wishes to bring sound into their work. It complements so many other therapies, Reiki, reflexology, massage, crystal healing, angel healing, spiritual healing, colour therapy, shaitsu and many many more. Also can be used as a stand-alone therapy. Some people are simply using this course as part of their own healing journey. Course content subject to change. ~my discretion
This unique, fun yet intensive 6 day course (5 days intensive, 1 day assessment) is certified and insurable. You will learn the benefits of raising vibrational energy through sound therapy using tuning forks and other sound. A combination of factual evidence and spiritual guidance passed to me by my intuitive Source is shared. By raising your internal core vibrational frequency you may feel first-hand how sacred sound affects mind, body, spirit and Soul. You will go on your own personal healing/learning journey, some say a rebirth of self, and then be able to facilitate the healing in others, animals, plants, the water and oceans & our Beloved Planet.
I have a very relaxed approach to sharing and emparting the teachings I have been given and researched which makes for an easy learning environment. The 5 days are about YOU and you really 'feeling' the frequencies. This is what makes excellent therapists as they can understand first hand the depth these sounds can take someone too. Very quickly your body just simply 'gets' the vibrational energy. I ask those that wish to do this life changing course have an open mind and then they will realise their own full spiritual potential.
Booking is essential as I only teach small groups due to the transformational nature of this course.
March 4th - 8th 2013 (Cornwall)
March 15th - 19th 2013 (Cornwall)
April/May 29th – 3rd 2013 (Cornwall)
June 10th – 14th 2013 (Kent)
August 12th - 16th 2013 (Cornwall)
November 14th - 18th 2013 (Cornwall)
(Chatham in Kent & Callington in Cornwall)
Debbi Walker BSc (Hons)
(+44) 01579 383123
(+44) 07946 310239
Skype debbiwalker22
OM Sound and Meditation Programme
Suara Sound
OM Sound and Meditation Programme
It has been shown that meditation and relaxation can switch ON healthy genes and switch OFF unhealthy stress and disease related genes.
In one study, a group led by Dr. Herbert Benson, president of Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine, looked at the genes of 19 long term meditation practitioners, and 19 non practitioners. They found that in the meditating group about 1,000 stress related genes were turned OFF. This is twice the number of the non practitioners. The more these stress-related genes are turned ON, the more likely you are to have pain, high blood pressure and other conditions.
In a later phase, the researchers taught the non practitioners to meditate for 8 weeks and looked at their genes once again. They found that 433 additional stress related genes were turned OFF - meaning, even if you practice relaxation for a short time, you may change 433 genes.
Researchers have also found that rice plants responded to sound in a study done in South Korea. Two genes became more active as they responded to sound waves between 125 and 25 hz. More studies are being done is this field.
I have developed a programme using the OM tuning fork and meditation/relaxation techniques. The brain waves reach a slower rate much quicker using this system, therefore the time spent in Alpha/Theta state is enhanced. As research has shown this may lead to a better health state.
On these one day experimental workshops you will work with sacred frequencies of the OM (136.10hz – Mother Earth’s tone) and the 528hz (DNA repair, transformations and miracles – part of the ancient healing tones of the Solfeggio frequencies). Raising your internal frequency vibration by using the combination of these sacred tones may be used to clear, cleanse and balance your energy field (aura) and energy centres (chakras) and in turn lead to peace with more harmony, focus and clarity.
Physical problems may also be alleviated as the body is relaxed and a sense of ‘returning to Oneness’ may be felt, with no mind chatter to get in the way. This is turn may lead to better health, wellbeing, intuition and psychic awareness. You will learn how to do a simple tuning fork sound healing on yourself, a partner and discover how these vibrations can work with animals, plants, our Beloved planet and all living matter.
You will also be introduced to other frequencies which are unique frequencies exclusive to Suara Sounds and the changes in the energy around us…”As Above, So Below”. These ancient tones may allow your ancient ‘knowing’ of this special time to come to the surface, creating a balance ‘within’ and ‘without’, aligning your cosmic DNA.
£395 includes all food and accomodation
Come to this Suara Sound unique Ocean Retreat in Cornwall for a 4 day relaxing, yet inspiring, break away to explore your affinity and connection to the powerful raw energy of the ocean, the beach, the shells and all who live within the splendor of the sea.
You will explore many things regarding your relationship with the ocean using meditation, relaxation, creativity, tuning forks sound therapy, voice, mindfulness, intuition, past lives and connections and much more.
You may feel the inner raw wisdom and connect to your inner self. You will learn to 'listen' truly to what is important.
The Ocean tuning forks will play a big part in the week allowing focus and connection to occur to the frequencies of the Sea™, Mermaid™ and Dolphin™ (bespoke to Suara Sound™)
International Tuning Fork Research Alliance Board of Directors
International Tuning Fork Research Alliance
A non-profit organization dedicated to the continued research and study of the therapeutic application of tuning forks on people and animals for overall health.
Chairman- Dr. Larry Anthony Pannell L.Ac, C.T.F.P.
Vice-Chairman- Charles Lightwalker, PhD, C.T.F.I., C.S.H.
President- Deborah Walker, R.NC.T.P., C.T.F.I. (United Kingdom)
Board Members:
Sandy Singh L.M.T., C.T.F.P., C.I.E.R.P (President Advisory Board)
V.P. Dr. Helen Pellisser, PhD, C.T.F.P (V.P. Advisory Board) Denmark
Huang Yuanzhong, ( China)
Morgan Rockwell, C.I.E.R.P.
MaryAnn Lockhart, C.T.F.P.
Sandi Vandouris, L.M.T., C.T.F.P.
Michael Kopel
Debra Peterson
Dr. Rick Boatright
Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD
Jan Longshore, M.S., CM.I.
Jan Morgans, R.N., C.S.H. (United Kingdom)
Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale (Nigeria)
Laila del Monte, C.T.F.P. (France-USA)
Announcement Board of Directors
This is to announce that Debbi Walker is join us a President of the Board and is from the United Kingdom, Debbi has a wealth of knowledge, and is traveling throughout the UK lecturing, teaching and training people in the use of tuning forks in the healing application.
Debbie can be reached at:
Debbi Walker BSc (Hons)
(+44) 01579 383123
(+44) 07946 310239
Skype debbiwalker22
Therapeutic Tuning Fork Meridian Technique
Therapeutic Tuning Fork Meridian Technique
A Vibrational Medicine Approach To Stress
The therapeutic tuning fork meridian technique involves the artful application of scientifically calibrated medical tuning forks along the body’s energetic pathways, known as meridians.
The value of using scientifically calibrated medical tuning forks, such as the Meridian Tuning Fork Set is not well known. Most healing therapists as well as clients do not understand the proper use of medical tuning forks in the treatment process. There are tangible benefits to using these vibrational tools, to deeply penetrate the tissues of the muscles to create a greater release of muscle stress. It also helps to release toxins, and reduce pain. There are many uses for tuning forks, in the healing and preventative process of wellness.
For me it has been a great help in speeding up the healing process of my clients physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Each of the 12 meridians mirrors a particular organ, which is why during the treatment process I harmonize the Organs with the Organ tuning fork set, after balancing the charkas, before I use the Meridian tuning fork set in this therapeutic technique. I believe the meridians connect all the body parts, and using the Meridian tuning forks set releases stagnate and blocked energy in the meridians. Also what is wonderful about this technique is that it can be used by, massage therapists, Reiki masters, and other body workers.
Also what is wonderful about this technique is that it can be used with other healing modalities such as Massage Therapy, Reiki, Trager, Acupuncture, Chiropractic and more.
After balancing the charkas, harmonizing the Organs, I determine which meridian to start with, I place the appropriate tuning fork along the pathway, allowing for the gentle vibrations to open the channels and allowing the chi (life force energy) to move freely, this will unblock and rejuvenate the meridians that run through the entire body.
If you are a massage therapist it is suggested that once you have removed the tuning fork from the specific points along the meridian, you can begin massaging over these pathways. If you are a Reiki practitioner, begin placing your hands along the pathways slowly sending Reiki into each point for 5 minutes, this will allow the body to heal itself, with universal life force energy.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Eye Strain Relief With Tuning Forks
Eye Strain Relief With Tuning Forks
Sound healing with tuning forks offers some relief from eyestrain and fatigue.
By using a combination of tuning forks to increase blood flow to the eyes, by increasing oxygen flow (78 hz fork), nourishment (Circulation fork), and also ease muscle tension (Nerve fork).
To do the proper treatment follow the guidelines below, and do them 2 or 3 times, 2 or 3 times per day. Also see chart below.
1. Place the 78 hz fork on the eyebrows just below the eyes on the orbital ridge gently glide the fork along the path of the ridge.
2. Place the Nerve fork on the notch on the inner eyebrow line, and glide the fork along this path. As you do this breathe in as you glide the fork along, exhale as you reach the end of the path, repeat four times.
3. Place the 78 hz on the point found in the depression in the center of the eyebrow, hold for twenty seconds, then strike the fork again (to get it vibrating) and repeat the process three times.
4. Place the circulation fork between the eyebrows, hold for twenty seconds, then use the nerve fork, repeat the process three times.
5. Place the Nerve fork in the large depressions in the back of your neck meets your skull, hold for twenty seconds repeat four times.
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