Heart Chakra & Higher Heart Chakra
THYMUS GLAND, Physically
Physically, the thymus gland is located in the upper part of the chest, specificlly in front and above the heart behind the sternum. It produces T-lymphocytes (T-cells), white blood cells that fight infections and destroy abnormal cells. It is considered the master gland of a healthy immune system.
It's job is to identify foreign cells such as toxins, viruses, bacteria, cancer, etc., so that these cells can be destroyed by the T-cells.
The thymus gland responds quickly to acute stress, minimizing its ability to fight abnormal cells. An infection can shrivel it to half its size in 24 hours.
The thymus gland is large in infants and reaches its maximum size at 10-12 years of age. After puberty it shrinks in size with fat and connective tissue replacing much of the thymus tissue. In the elderly, thymic tissue is almost completely gone.
The thyroid and mammary glands have blood vessels that connect to the thymus, so there is an important connection between the thymus and thyroid and reproductive function.
The thymus gland can be easily damaged by oxidation and free radicals. Anti-oxidants are critical to thymus gland health. There are several vitamins and herbs that support healthy thymus function. Tapping gently on the sternum in the area of the thymus can stimulate its function.
THYMUS GLAND, Spiritually
The thymus gland center is called the Higher Heart or Transcendental Heart Chakra center, also called the Ananda Khanda. The color that resonates at this center is TURQUOISE.
Science has proven that T-cell count increases when we are feeling the emotions of love. It is directly affected by our ability to give and receive love. When we are feeling bitter, angry, or hateful towards ourselves or another, our ability to fight infection and disease is reduced. A healthy thymus gland is directly connected to the development of compassion and loving kindness.
The Higher Heart Chakra center is not about romantic, sentimental or sexual love. It is about agape love, or the love which is of and from God, whose very nature is love itself. It is also humanitarian love, the love and compassion for those in need.
Low self-esteem, emotional extremes, loss of a loved one, and negative thinking may reduce T-cell production. Positive thinking, non-judgement, compassion, gentleness and selfless giving promote a healthy thymus gland.
You can make contact with the thymus gland by toning your tuning fork on or above the area of the thymus gland on the chest. You can also stimulate the gland by gently tapping your knuckles over the area, or deeply massaging between the ribs. Spend more time with the tuning fork in the areas that are painful. Interaction with the Heart Chakra will directly affect the thymus gland.
You can also stimulate the Thymus reflex zone of the foot with your activated tuning fork. See the diagram to the left. It is on the inside ridge of the foot on the Cervical 7 spinal point.
The Thorasic vertebrae are called T1 through T12. The thymus gland resonates with the upper Thorasic vertebrae, T1 through T6, pictured in green in the diagram.
This section of the spine resonates with the Thymus/Upper Throasic tuning fork frequency. Spinal nerves, bone, tissue and fluids can be favorably affected by this frequency.
Physically, the pancreas gland is an elongated organ located diagonally across the back of the abdomen, slightly below and behind the stomach and in front of the spine. More of the pancreas is on the left side of the body than the right.
The pancreas plays two roles having both digestive and hormonal functions. One part of the pancreas, the exocrine pancreas, secretes digestive enzymes. The other part of the pancreas, the endocrine pancreas, secretes hormones that regulate the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
Diabetes is a common ailment of a poorly functioning pancreas. Depending on the type of diabetes, this can be remedied by exercise, dietary changes and stress reduction.
The pancreas relates to the Solar Plexus Chakra and all the qualities of this Chakra including self-esteem, happiness, empowerment, concentration, focus, intellect and confidence. It also regulates how we let sweetness into our life. Underlying feelings of disempowerment and low self-esteem can prevent us from realizing and opening to the beautiful nectar of living on this planet. This may play out as over expression or suppression of feelings. When we look, notice and engage with life and live it to the fullest, our pancreas will respond positively.
You can make contact with the pancreas gland by toning your tuning fork on or above the area of the pancreas gland in the area of the stomach or above the area of the spine on the back (see diagram above). You can also stimulate the gland by gently massaging the area of the stomach. Spend more time with the tuning fork in the areas that are painful. You can also stimulate the pancreas reflex zone on the spine at the point where the lower thorasic (T12) and upper lumbar (L1) meet with your tuning fork. Interaction with the Solar Plexus Chakra front and back will directly affect the pancreas gland.
You can also place the stem end of your activated fork on the Pancreas reflex point.
The pancreas gland resonates with the lower Thorasic vertebrae, T7 through T12, pictured in green, and the Lumbar vertebrae L1 through L5, pictured in blue.
This section of the spine resonates with the Pancreas/Lower Thorasic & Lumbar tuning fork frequency. Spinal nerves Spinal nerves, bone, tissue and fluids can be favorably affected by this frequency.
Sacral Chakra
GONADS, Physically
The gonads are the ovaries in a woman and testes in a man. They are the main source of sex hormones, which are the chemicals that secrete the essences for new life via eggs and sperm. They create our feminine and masculine characteristics, respectively.
A female's ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus, below the opening of the fallopian tubes (tubes that extend from the uterus to the ovaries). They are about the size of unshelled almonds. In addition to containing the egg cells necessary for reproduction, the ovaries also produce estrogen and progesterone. These hormones control the development of female characteristics, for example, breast growth, and they are also involved in reproductive functions, for example, menstruation and pregnancy.
A male's testes are located in a pouch that hangs suspended outside the body between the legs. The testes produce harmones called androgens, the most important of which is testosterone. The hormones secreted by the testes affect many male characteristics, for example, sexual development, growth of facial hair and pubic hair, as well as sperm production.
There is a direct connection between the ovaries and the adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue and affect a woman's menstrual cycle. A woman who is experiencing extreme or long-term stress, an illness, an unhealthy diet, or who smokes or drinks in excess, may have severe symptoms during menopause due to the adrenals being over taxed. Easy menstrual cycles and the ease of transition into and through menopause depends upon the strength and vitality of the adrenal glands. In a healthy woman during menopause, the adrenal glands will be able to gradually take over hormonal production from the ovaries.
The adrenal glands are also the main auxillary source of androgens (masculizing hormones) such as testosterone. Exhaused adrenal glands alter the production of testosterone in both men and women. An overactive adrenal cortex and cause masculinization in women and vice versa in men.
GONADS GLAND, Spiritually
The sexual glands are about creation/creativity and accepting and embracing the various stages of life. There is a rich history in indigenous cultures about the stages of a woman's development.
Sexual Female Plant
Development Development Development
Onset of Menses Maiden Flower
Pregnancy & Birth Motherhood Fruit
Post Menopausal Crone Seed
Unfortunately, society doesn't view the development of a woman's body and the stages of her life in the most positive way. When a woman is having her bleeding time, you often hear "she's on the rag", "she's being bitchy", "she's too sensitive" or "she's too emotional". During pregnancy, a woman is often looked at as having lost the beauty of her body and is seen as overly emotional. At childbirth, often a woman doesn't have control over how the birth process will take place, which produces anxiety, stress and fear. Just hear the word "Crone" and the conotations are usually phrases like "dried up", "old maid", "witch" and "hag". Women need positive images and words during all stages of their life. By working with the vibration of the Ovaries, one can help restore a sense of empowerment and self-esteen in one's body and embrace the hormonal changes in life.
The Moon directly affects a woman's menses cycle, just as it affects the ocean tides and when sap rises in a plant. The Moon's phases from one Full Moon to the next is 28 1/2 days. And so it is the same 28 1/2 days with a woman's cycle when she is balanced and healthy. Women who spend long periods of time together often find their cycles aligning with each other. Connecting with the 28 1/2 day cycles of the Moon can help a woman become more aware of her own cycle and help to regulate it.
For both men and women, being out-of-balance with their sexual self can manifest as an obsession with sex or a fear of sex. Often men and women are uncomfortable with intimacy and it manifests as an overactive libido. There is a strong sense of the need to procreate in the human species. However, when the focus is on the sexual act without the sense of intimacy and respect, the Sacral chakra and the gonads will suffer.
Care must be taken when making contact directly with the testicles. It is best to use the Gonad tuning fork off body near the testicles. For a woman, light touch on the abodomen in the area of the ovaries is fine. Making contact with the Sacral water chakra will also be making contact with the reproductive system as a whole in both men and women.
Place the stem end of your activated fork on the Ovary and Testicle reflex zone which is located diagonally below the outside ankle bone. Deeply massaging this area is also beneficial.
Root Chakra
Physically, the pair of adrenal glands, also referred to as the suprarenal glands, are are triangular-shaped glands located on top of each kidney. Adrenal glands work hand-in-hand with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Their primary function is to govern the body's adaptations to stress of any kind.
The adrenal glands are made up of two parts. The outer part is called the adrenal cortex, and the inner part is called the adrenal medulla.
The adrenal cortex produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolism, the balance of salt, potassium and water in the body, the immune system, and sexual function. It is also responsible for the production of cortisol, which regulates glucose levels and inflammation of tissue.
The adrenal medulla produces hormones that help the body cope with physical and emotional stress by increasing the heart rate and blood pressure.
The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, also called hypoadrenea, is running rampant. It is the decreased ability of the adrenal glands to respond adequately to stress. The primary symptom is extreme fatigue, and it occurs when stress from any source, including physical, emotional, mental or environmental, exceeds (either cumulatively or in intensity), the body's capacity to adjust appropriately to the demands placed upon it by stress.
Adrenal fatigue can cause a host of problems including debilitating fatigue(not relieved by sleep), low stamina, lethargy, craving/addiction of salty or sweet foods, cold sensitivity, low blood pressure, increeased effort to do everyday tasks, difficulty getting up in the morning, feeling overwhelmed, lack of focus, depression, irritability, low libido, increased time to recover from illness, injury or trauma, light-headed when standing up, and loss of interest in life. In women, it also increases PMS, and can exacerbate menopausal symptoms.
The adrenal glands are related to the Root Chakra in several ways. They greatly assist us in keeping our Soul on the physical plane and provide the basic needs for survival. The adrenal glands are intimately involved with our absorbtion of vital pranic life force energy in the ethers all around us. This prana restores our adrenal glands, keeping them vital.
They are also related to the Solar Plexus Chakra. They provide the energy (Root Chakra) we need to find our power and take action (Solar Plexus Chakra) when our "fight or flight" response (Root Chakra) is triggered. They also accomodate our physical, mental and emotional needs to deal with stress (Root Chakra).
Balanced, healthy adrenal glands will help us stay grounded, feel vitality, feel calmly focused and alert, provide support to our parasympathetic nervous system whose job is to restore our body, and allow us to take in vital life-force energy from the ethers.
Each adrenal gland is only about 2" high by 1 1/4-2" wide by 1/4" thick and sit on top of each kidney (see illustration below). The adrenal glands are located just underneath the 11th and 12th ribs (the last 2 ribs) on the back plus a little bit beyond the ribs and about 1/3 of the way out from the spine. You can make light contact with your hands or tone your activated tuning fork over and/or on these areas.
You can also place the stem end of your activated fork on the Adrenal reflex point.
The Coccyx (tailbone) consists of 4 fused vertebra and is pictured in red in the diagram, is located at the end of the spinal column and resonate with the adrenal glands.
This section of the spine resonates with the Adrenals/Coccyx tuning fork frequency. Spinal nerves, bone, tissue and fluids can be favorably affected by this frequency.
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