Crown Chakra & 3rd Eye Chakra
Physically, the pineal gland is a cone-shaped gland located in the midbrain behind the thalamus and hangs from the roof of the back of the 3rd ventricle of the brain. Ventricles are the spaces in the brain containing cerebral spinal fluid.
The pineal gland is connected to the thalamus, hypothalamus, basil nuclei and medial temporal lobe. It is a still a somewhat mysterious gland in that scientists believe there is still more to learn about its function, though we know it controls our circadian rhythms. (The hypothalamus is also sensitive to light and dark and therefore affects circadium rhythms.) The pineal gland is considered a master gland (as is the pituitary gland/hypothalamus), both being responsible for the regulation of all the other endocrine glands.
The pineal gland (as well as the GI tract and the retina of the eye) secretes the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is stimulated by Darkness and inhibited by Light.
The peak production of melatonin is in darkness about 2:00 am. Melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythms), breathing cycles, and our awareness of the time of day and the seasons via the degree of light coming through the retina of the eyes. The more darkness in the environment, the more melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. Vice versa, the more light, the less secretion of melatonin. Another interesting correlation is that the pineal gland actually contains cells just like those in the retina of our eyes.
Balancing the pineal gland can relieve insomina, jet lag, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), breathing irregularities and depression. Some believe the dysfunction in the secretion of melatonin may play a part in autism and cancer.
Stress, aging, lack of complete darkness when sleeping and electric blankets (and other elctromagnetic influences such as TVs and computers) have been shown to decrease melatonin secretion.
Also, melatonin decreases seratonin. So too little melatonin production creates too much seratonin, which can create agitated states and even psychosis. Too little seratonin can cause depression.
The pineal gland hardens, atrophies and shrinks as we age, but there are ways to discourage this process. Meditation, regular good nights sleep, quiet environments, relaxing activities, being in nature, and retaining childlike wonder & imagination are some of the ways to keep the pineal gland young and vital.
The pineal gland hangs from the roof of the completely dark cave of the 3rd ventricle of the brain and is constantly bathed in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). This gland was called "Seat of the Soul" by French philosopher Rene Descartes and Alice Bailey. It is thought that the pineal gland is the connection to our Soul. Could it be that the pineal gland is our Soul in physical form?
Spiritually, the pineal gland is associated with both the Crown & 3rd Eye Chakras. Some believe it to be like an antenna or satellite dish receiving cosmic energies through the Crown Chakra.
The 3rd Eye Chakra is located directly between our physical eyes being associated with clairvoyance, which is the ability to "see" beyond the physical sense of sight. The pineal gland, as stated earlier, is intimately connected with our physical vision being affected by varying degrees of light and darkness through our physical eyes. Both light and dark are necessary for our pineal gland to be healthy and alive, just as metaphorically both "light" and "dark" must exist in all of cosmology.
When the pineal gland is vibrant, there is the potential to make rapid leaps in spiritual development and illumination. The pineal gland is Light Made Manifest in the physical human body. It is said that the pineal gland is what connects us with the unknowable, the great mystery, the great beyond. How? We still do not understand. This is the great mystery and potentially is the also the ecstacy!
(Diagram from "The Taoist Soul Body" by Mantak Chia)
According to Mantak Chia, when the pineal gland is activated, it is receiving and converting higher dimensional light into usable information for the pituitary gland.
Chia speaks of the Crystal Palace, a sacred and spiritually active area deep inside the brain. When the Crystal Palace is activated via darkness and meditation, one is given a direct connection with Source. By focusing on this area of the brain and embracing its darkness, there is the potential for psychic experiences and enlightenment.
When you are working with the pituitary gland, you are also working with the hypothalamus and vice versa. Interaction with the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras will directly affect the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. You may also connect with both by making contact with the outer tips of the sphenoid bone. You can find it by running your fingertip down from the end of the brow until you find a slight indentation. Use care when placing a tuning fork at this location. It is a very sensitive point.
Also put the stem end of your activated fork on the Pituitary reflex point which is in the center of the pad of the big toe.
The medulla oblongata is the lowest part of the brain stem, which is an extension of the spinal cord. The medulla oblongata is integral in the transmission of nerve impulses between the spinal cord and the higher brain centers, including the pituitary gland. Medulla Oblongata serves to connect the spinal cord and the brain.
The medulla oblongata works directly with the hypothalamus...
The medulla oblongata works directly with the hypothalamus and thus the pituitary gland. Both the hypothalamus and medulla oblongata are responsible for controlling involuntary processes such as the regulation of the heartbeat, breathing, constriction and dilation of blood vessels, and body temperature.
Contact can be made with intention at the base of the skull.
Throat Chakra
Thyroid Gland Physically
Physically, the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands are located in front of the neck, below the larynx (voice box). The thyroid gland, which partially surrounds the trachea, is butterfly-shaped and plays an important role in the body's metabolism. It governs the body's energy levels and energy output. Both the thyroid and parathyroid glands also play a role in the regulation of the body's calcium and phosphate balance. In children, the thyroid gland plays a role in bone growth and development of the brain and nervous system.
The pituitary gland controls the release of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones also help maintain normal blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, muscle tone, and reproductive functions.
THYROID GLAND, Spiritually
The thyroid gland corresponds to the Throat Chakra. The throat, neck and thyroid/parathyroid glands are where the Ether (space) element resides, and is the bridge between the head (the mind) and the rest of the body. It is where the spiritual comes into the physical. It is the gateway for Spirit to dwell in the physical body. When the Throat Chakra is open, the thyroid/parathyroid glands flourish, and the human Soul "wakes up" within its physical body.
Because of the narrowing of this area of the body, energy can easily become constricted here. When we are ungrounded and feeling spacey, it is because we cannot channel the spiritual energy down and ground it completely in our physical body. There is a tendency to want to "leave" the body and some people feel they do not want to be here on Earth. Vice versa, when people feel they have no connection with Spirit, they feel weighted down in the day to day events of life which appear to have no meaning. They are unable to open the Ether bridge to allow Spirit to enter their physical body and spark their Soul.
The neck area is where we take in air, inhaling and exhaling. It is the bridge through which the breath must pass in order that we may live. Spirit comes into us through the in breath, and on the out breath we release what is no longer needed. Deep breathing can revitalize the thyroid/parathyroid glands as well as the whole body, bringing in life-force energy, calm and serenity.
Mercury, the messenger god of communication, resides in the Throat Chakra, allowing us to speak our truth out into the world. When the thyroid is not functioning well, our Throat Chakra can become restricted thus hindering our ability to convey our true self to others. When we share who we really are with others, the spoken word becomes a Blessing and a Healing.
You can make contact with the thyroid gland by gently placing your tuning fork on or above the front of the neck over the thyroid gland. Be extremely careful. This is a very sensitive point. And also on the lower neck on the back of the body. Interaction with the Throat Chakra will directly also affect the thyroid gland.
You can also stimulate the thyroid reflex zone on the bottom base of the big toe or thumb with your activated tuning fork.
I believe that we can activate third eye, because after our meditation course, one can see with their eyes closed and even behind the body. pl visit us at ;